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Tag Archives: Coaching

Unlimit Your Leadership

Nathanael Zurbruegg should be dead six times over according to medical professionals. While still suffering from chronic illnesses,  he is now the founder and CEO of Unlimit You and runs a non-for-profit business called, “Live Life to the Fullest.” In this inspirational episode you can learn from Nathanael:

  • How life can be amazing when we don’t focus on negativity
  • Surround yourself with positive people had help you become strong
  • How you can discover your Victorious Mindset
  • Why nothing can take us back if we never give up.
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From Despair to Millionaire

Eric Chasen is a resiliency coach and a turnaround expert. Having suffered adversity, he has put those lessons to work in his new book, From Despair To Millionaire. In this episode you can learn from Eric about:

  • It’s not about life’s events, it’s how you react to them
  • Why mentoring in leadership is so valuable
  • How gratitude can unlock fulfilment in your life and work
  • Eric’s ABC of leadership

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Transcript: Thanks to Jermaine Pinto at JRP Transcribing for being our Partner.… Continue Reading

What Crossed Arms Don’t Tell You

Terry Earthwind Nichols is the Chairman of the Evolutionary Healer. He is a thought leader and author of the book Profiling For Profit What Crossed Arms Don’t Tell You, he’s also the grand master of Repetitive Behavior Cellular Regression® – In this episode you can learn from Terry:

  • How a chance helping conversation developed into Repetitive Behavior Cellular Regression®
  • How imposter syndrome and PTSD share similar traits and coping strategies
  • How he turned people watching into profiling
  • How to hook into the non verbal clues when meeting with others
  • Plus lots more leadership hacks!
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Strategy First

Brad Chase was the mind behind some of Microsoft’s largest and most successful initiatives, In episode 21, Brad explains why building winning strategies is the single most important element to business success, what he calls “the business success imperative.” Learn from Brad:

  • Countless tips and a useful, memorable model to help leaders build first place strategies
  • Three components for strategy =ExMC2
  • Why strategy gets lost for some leaders
  • Build tall walls and retain your customers

Follow us and explore our social media tribe from our Websitehttps://leadership-hacker.comContinue Reading

Reframing Culture

Siobhan McHale is a culture transformer with a track record of making workplaces better. She’s helped thousands of leaders create more agile and productive workplaces and written the best-selling book, The Insider’s Guide to Culture Change.

What we can learn from Siobhan today:

  • What Culture really is
  • The importance of looking at Culture through a commercial lens
  • The value of “Reframing Culture” for people, their roles and organization
  • Collective patterns of relatedness with Culture
  • The four elements of the Culture descriptor

Follow us and explore our social media tribe from our Websitehttps://leadership-hacker.comContinue Reading

Visionary Leadership with Dr Oleg Konovalov

We can all relate to the fact that a strong vision defines success in personal and business life. In this episode Dr Oleg Konovalov, #1 global thought leader on culture, coach and best-selling author will discuss:

  • Vision is not a gift, but a well-structured algorithm that can be taught.
  • How to create and execute a strong and compelling vision.
  • Leadership is a system of growing
  • Why knowledge is the sexiest thing of all
  • Don’t rush to call yourself a leader

In this episode – there’s also a bonus 101 on emotional intelligence from our very own Steve Rush.… Continue Reading

Hacking Happiness with Nic Marks

Nic Marks is the special guest on show 18. He is the CEO and founder of Friday Pulse, Statistician, Happiness Expert, and Ted Speaker. Learn from Nic about:

  • What happiness is and how to measure it
  • How feelings and emotions come before cognition
  • Why some nations and people are happier than others
  • What leadership activities increase happiness in the workforce
  • How human appreciation increases happiness in us all


Apple Podcast



Full Transcript Below: 


Steve Rush: Some call me Steve, dad, husband or friend.… Continue Reading

8 Steps to High Performance with Marc Effron


Marc Effron is the author of the Harvard Business Review Publishing books One Page Talent Management and 8 Steps to High Performance. Marc helps the world’s biggest brands and most successful companies elevate the quality and impact of their talent and has been recognized as one of the Top 100 Influencers in HR globally. You can learn so much from Marc including:

  • The science behind why people succeed and fail.
  • Why big goals drive bigger results.
  • How to “maximise your fit” with your company.
  • Its ok to “Fake it” and be a success.
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Hacking Your Leadership Health with Angela Foster

Angela Foster is a nutritionist, health and performance coach who works with athletes, entrepreneurs and CEOs of global organizations. She is also the CEO of My DNA EDGE.

In Hacking Your Leadership Health – You will learn:

  • How after fighting for her life she found her life and work passion
  • The relationship between sleep and leadership performance
  • How our physical and mental performance are integrated
  • Not all stress is bad for you and your team
  • How physical fitness improves your brain function
  • What Biohacking is and how it can enhance your health and your performance.
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Reader, Learner, Leader with John Spence

John Spence is recognized as one of the top business thought leaders and leadership development experts in the world.  As a consultant and coach to organizations worldwide, from start-ups to the Fortune 10, John is dedicated to helping people and businesses be more successful by “Making the Very Complex… Awesomely Simple.

You can learn the following from John in this episode:

  • It is not just what did you read and learn, action steps you take as a result
  • How to create the reader to leader habit
  • The discipline of reading and application of learning
  • The four “P” of expertise and expert performance
  • AQ – your adaptability or agility quotient
  • Knowledge, Network and Love
  • Lifelong reading and learning gives you competitive advantage

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On the show today, we have one of the leading business and leadership consultants in the world.… Continue Reading

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