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Tag Archives: Inspiration

The Reason Leading Change Can Be So Hard!


People often ask me Steve, what is it you do? I used to take a while to respond because my work and roles vary a lot. I often used to respond with things like, “I’m helping organisations become more effective with operations, systems and people”, and when responding, I found myself regularly feeling less than satisfied with that response.

I subsequently took some time to consider what it was I actually did. I concluded that I provide people with tools, techniques and insights to help them “change” what they do, how they do it and the reasons why they do it.… Continue Reading

Leadership Cake and Steve Rush – A Big Hit!

Leadership Cake and Steve Rush – A Big Hit!

Steve Rush, Author of Leadership Cake and the CEO of Improov Consulting, visited Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia on the 3rd and 4th August, 2015 and was received with great success.

Steve provided two days interactive and exciting lectures on the subject on Banking, Bancassurance and Leadership with Global and Country Heads of Banks from all over Asia; delegates travelled from Sri Lanka, India, Vietnam, Thailand, Indonesia, Singapore to join with co-workers based in Malaysia.

During the two days the delegates were able to share experiences of each other’s own regions while overlaying some leadership insights and practical tools shared by Steve which they can use in the running of their day to day business.… Continue Reading

The reason why some leaders can not connect with their workers

Our brain has two hemispheres that are programmed and defined to do different jobs. The two hemispheres are our left brain and right brain. The left brain is responsible for things such as strategy, thinking, detail and a lot of the practical things we do as humans. The right brain is where we experience emotion, feelings, and the ability to see the big picture; this is also where we develop empathy.

There is an irony that has emerged for some well educated executives. The irony is that all through our childhood and into our adult life, we are broadly taught using the left thinking side of our brain.… Continue Reading

Invest in your Leadership Development and watch the ripple effect!

A strength demonstrated by great leaders is they all are agile enough to develop and adapt in a changing world. Not only are they able to adapt their business acumen to the commercial world they operate in, they also demonstrate an ability to grow their knowledge, skills and capability. 

A bi-product of this leadership agility and self awareness in developing themselves is they keep hold of the team of individuals that they lead, their direct reports. Great teams share consistency and longevity as they grow together.… Continue Reading

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